About Charles Cochran

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So far Charles Cochran has created 415 blog entries.

Men’s Meeting 2/3: Going Deeper in the Bible: Introduction

Sermon 2/2: 2 Samuel 13-16: The Passion of David

Christian Formation 1/30: Part 2: Child Training (Kelly)

Christian Formation 1/30: Part 1: The Apostle’s Creed: I Believe in God the Father Almighty (Chad)

Christian Formations 1/16: Part 2 (Kelly)

Christian Formations 1/16: Part 1 (Chad)

Sermon 1/12: 2 Samuel 5-8: A House for My Name

Sermon 1/5: 2 Samuel 2-4: Shall the Sword Devour Forever?

Sermon 12/29: Romans 8.31-39: Superconquerors

Sermon 12/15: Romans 8.26-30: Called to Lament: Collaborators with the Triune God in the Healing of the World

Sermon 12/8: 1 Peter 5.1-4: An Elder’s Job Description

Men’s Meeting 12/2: The Wisdom Pyramid (Part 2)

Sermon 12/1: Romans 8.18-30: Creation in Labor

Sermon 11/24: 1 Corinthians 11.17-34: Communion: Discerning the Body

Sermon 11/3: Samuel: You Were Made to Rule

Mars Hill Forum 2023: The Quality of Mercy: Protestant Comedy in The Merchant of Venice

Sermon 10/27: 1 Samuel 28-2 Samuel 1: The Fall of the House of Saul

Sermon 10/20: 1 Samuel 25: David, Nabal, and Abigail

Men’s Meeting 10/8: The Wisdom Pyramid (Part 1)

Sermon 10/6: 1 Samuel 13-15: Saul’s Decline

Sermon 9/29: 1 Samuel 8-12: Saul Good

Sermon 9/15: 1 Samuel 3: The Fall of the House of Eli

Men’s Meeting 9/9: Review: The Toxic War on Masculinity (Nancy Pearcey)

Sermon 9/8: 1 Samuel 1.1-2.10: The Way of Grace

Sermon 9/1: Colossians 4.2-18: Everyday Evangelists

Sermon 8/25: Colossians 3.18-4.1: At Home in the Gospel

Sermon 8/19: Colossians 1.24-2.5: The Mystery Now Revealed

Sermon 8/12: Colossians 3.1-11: Ascension & Descension

Men’s Meeting 5/6: The Identity Game

Sermon 5/5: Matthew 23-25

Sermon 4/28: Matthew 19-22: The Return of the King

Sermon 4/21: Matthew 17.22-18.35: Community in the Shadow of the Cross

Sermon 4/14: Matthew 13: Ears to Hear

Joint CF Easter Sermon 4/8: Matthew 28: Jesus’ School of Life

Men’s Meeting 4/1: Time to Make the Donuts

Sermon 3/31: Matthew 9:32-12:45

Sermon 3/24: Matthew 8-9: Jesus: Walking, Talking Tabernacle

Joint Men’s Meeting 3/4: Songs in Scripture

Sermon 3/3: Matthew 3.13-4.25: Follow Him Down

Sermon 2/24: Matthew 1.1-3.12: Recapitulation

Sermon 2/17: James 5.7-20: Don’t Leave Me Here

Sermon 2/10: James 4.13-5.6: The Prophet James

Men’s Meeting 2/4: The Nazirite Vow

Sermon 2/3: Exodus Wrap-up: An Invitation to the Book of Exodus

Sermon 1/27: Exodus 35-40: Room for the One You Love

Sermon 1/13: James 3.13-4.12: Threats Outside and Inside

Testimonies 1/6

Sermon 12/30: James 3.1-12: Training the Tongue

Sermon 12/16: James 2.14-26: Skin in the Game

Sermon 12/9: Exodus 32-34: What Is God Like?

Men’s Meeting 12/3: Qualifications for Elders and Deacons

Sermon 12/2: Exodus 25-31: Measure Twice, Cut Once