About Andy Martin

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So far Andy Martin has created 221 blog entries.

Psalm 96: Great Praise

Sermon 1/27: Hebrews 4:1-13: Entering God’s Rest

Sermon 1/20: Psalm 95: Wake up call

Psalm 95: Joy and a Warning

Sermon 1/13: Up for the Cross

Psalm 94: You Are the Man

Sermon 12/30: Up for Whatever

Sermon 12/16: Advent: Song of Solomon, Marriage of Christ and the Church

Sermon 12/9: Advent: Wanting to Limp

Psalm 91: Give Me Shelter

Sermon 12/2: Advent: Waiting for the Promise

Psalm 90: Nasty, Brutish, and Short?

Sermon 11/25: Hope

Sermon 11/18: Meditations on Isaiah 6

Psalm 88: Darkness My Only Friend

Sermon 11/11: Naaman’s Baptism

Psalm 87: Roll Call

Sermon 11/5: A Lost and Found Story

Sermon 10/28: Acts: Reflection: What Holy Spirit is Saying to TCF

No meeting 11/4, meet together 11/5 at LCF

Psalm 86: How to Conquer God

Sermon 10/21: Acts: Review

Sermon 10/14: Acts 28

Psalm 84: God’s Address

Sermon 10/7: Acts 27

Psalm 83: How to Curse Your Enemies

Psalm 82: Ye Are Gods

Sermon 9/30: Acts 25-26

Bonfire at Bittersweet Acres

Sermon 9/23: Acts 24

Sermon 9/16: We learn how to live the Christian life through role models

Psalm 80: Sheep and Grapes

Sermon 9/9: Acts 23

Sermon 9/2: Acts 22

Sermon 8/26: Acts 21 (audio cutoff early)

Sermon 8/19: Acts 20 (audio cutoff early)

Sermon 8/12: Acts 19

Sermon 8/5: Acts 18:19-28

Sermon 7/29: Acts: the Gospel

Sermon 7/22: Acts 18:1-18

Sermon 7/15: Acts 17

Sermon 7/8: God Wants to Dwell Among His People

Sermon 7/1: Acts 16

Sermon 6/24: Joy

Sermon 6/17: Acts 15

Sermon 6/10: Acts 13-14

Sermon 6/3: Acts 11-12

Sermon 5/27: Acts 10: Cornelius

Sermon 5/20: Acts 9: Paul meets Jesus

Sermon 5/13: Acts 8

Sermon 5/6: Acts 7: Stephen

Sermon 4/29: Eight unique values will make marriage grow and thrive